
Christmas is

For me, Christmas is ... a time when I reflect on the love of God for me.             It is a time to be thankful. God gave me Jesus His Son, to save me from my sins.        It is a time to be hopeful. It reminds me that whatever happens in my life, there is a bright and good future ahead of me; not only on earth but also in the life after my earthly life.        It is a time to show love and affection. Not only to my immediate family but also to those who hunger for love, affection and attention around me. Not only through physical gifts but also through prayers and good wishes. Photo credit:

LENT: Time to Deepen Faith

During this season of lent and being a year of faith, it is very appropriate for us to dig deeper into our faith. Digging deeper can be both inward and outward. Praying and Fasting Inwardly, we are called during lent to pray and fast. We pray more often to keep us in communion with God several times in our waking and conscious hours. We fast in order to be in control of ourselves, of our wants  and worldly desires. But it should not stop there because when we fast, we are expected to give to the hungry the money we did not spend or food that we did not consume. Fasting also makes us get to know ourselves  better, especially knowing that we can control our desires and plan our time better. Abstinence Outwardly, if we abstain from watching TV each night or stop checking out Facebook each day or hour, we  can have enough time to read a spiritual development book, do meditation, pray or simply be quiet in our own  favourite place. Sacred Space Where is your sacred space? I

The Seed on Good Soil

Did the seed fall on me, the rocky soil? Or, the good soil? Or, in between?  Everyday, the intention is always to be the good soil, where the seed can grow. But sometimes, interactions with people or thoughts of past actions   and interactions cloud the present. The seed can hardly grow. It seems   difficult to see or hear God's word in one's life.  The future is but another day with a chance to control thoughts, words and deeds. Consciousness of daily thoughts, words and actions need to be the order of the day.  Coupled with loving intentions for others, the seed can fall on good soil. If not all the time, hopefully, most of the time. The seed falling on good soil can be a daily possibility.

God Alone Suffices

"Nothing can trouble, Nothing can frighten; Those who seek God, Shall never go wanting; God alone fills us.' - Chant from Taize by Jacques Berthier (1923-94) Words from St. Teresa of Avila. (c)1982 Ateliers et Presses de Taize When I lived at an ecumenical community in the little town of Taize in France, one of my favourite chants was "Nada Te Turbe," which is basically the Spanish translation of the chant above. But, during my recent trip overseas, I reflected that there are still situations that scare me. And some things in this world still trouble me. I am a long way from imitating St Teresa of Avila. Let alone,  imitating Jesus. As I am blessed with another year, I will continue to strive to live  a life of abundance, wherein I would not want anything more because God will provide me with all my needs. And having God alone in my life would be enough. This is a tall order for us considering that we may feel responsible  for a few people

In Gratitude: Of Friends, Relatives and God’s Presence

After spending three weeks reconnecting with relatives and friends, I feel so refreshed, renewed, loved, important, happy and accepted; The encounters strengthened my self-esteem and self confidence. It motivated me to value myself more and be more grateful for all that I am, all that I have, and all that I do. I feel more vibrant, more hopeful and more energetic. I am more motivated to be the best of whoever I am. I feel healthier, even though I had increased blood pressure. I feel happier, even though I missed my family so much. I feel wealthier, even though I spent more than was budgeted. Relationships rekindled were like opium of the soul. I still feel like I am on cloud nine. I feel great! I feel accepted. I feel I am right. Joyfulness and fulfillment fill my days. I believe God was there. The Lord was present wherever I was. He was there when fear gripped me. He was there when I enjoyed the pleasant trips. He was ther

A Decision

Sitting on the city train this morning with our two boys next to me, I realised how blessed I am and suddenly felt this blanket of joy, peace and fulfilment envelope me. I felt affirmed of the decision my husband and I made fourteen years ago. But it was not easy for me.   After trying to conceive for seven years, we finally decided it was time to take another step in our journey … to go through the adoption process. After two years, I really wanted to pull our application out.  My husband convinced me otherwise.   It was a long drawn process that took a total of about nine years for both of them to join our family. Being a parent is not an easy task.  Making decisions for the family is not easy.  Even making a decision as to which school they should go to takes a lot of thinking, consulting, praying and discerning. Although parenting is not an easy responsibility, I still believe my life is more meaningful, complete and satisfying, albeit tiring.  I am grateful to

Life Journey Towards a Happy Death

Recently, due to family priorities, I changed my work schedule and this somehow affected the completion of my usual tasks in the office.   However, this change has also inspired me to reflect on life in general.   My thoughts were on being more prepared for the future. No matter what our age is, we are constantly searching for something.   Some search for new homes and suburbs, new locations for holidays, cheaper airfares, tours and accommodations and better places to buy clothes and food.   Some are still searching for extra income, whether through employment, investments or new business. Many people are also still searching how to live a life on purpose and how to make the most out of our remaining time here on earth. Every day, we are on a journey towards somewhere because life is simply that … a journey. And we all hope that this journey will be pleasant and will bring us to that happy place we desire. But, are we ready to reach our destination? Saint Joh