LENT: Time to Deepen Faith

During this season of lent and being a year of faith, it is very appropriate for us to dig deeper into our faith. Digging deeper can be both inward and outward.

Praying and Fasting
Inwardly, we are called during lent to pray and fast. We pray more often to keep us in communion with God
several times in our waking and conscious hours. We fast in order to be in control of ourselves, of our wants 
and worldly desires. But it should not stop there because when we fast, we are expected to give to the hungry
the money we did not spend or food that we did not consume. Fasting also makes us get to know ourselves 
better, especially knowing that we can control our desires and plan our time better.


Outwardly, if we abstain from watching TV each night or stop checking out Facebook each day or hour, we 

can have enough time to read a spiritual development book, do meditation, pray or simply be quiet in our own 
favourite place.

Sacred Space

Where is your sacred space? It could be your bedroom, your prayer room, space near your altar,

your garden, your local parish church or in a chapel. I have a few sacred spaces but my current favourite 
is our balcony which overlooks a mini forest of tall gum trees, accompanied by morning breeze 
and the chirping of birds.


After attending Mass, we can stay back and just be silent in front of the Blessed Sacrament. This means 

that sometimes, we may miss out on the short fellowship and catching up with fellow parishioners at the 
church courtyard.


It can also be a spiritually enriching experience to attend a silent retreat, perhaps, in a Monastery. The last

one I had was for three (3) days (Carmelite Monastery, Varroville NSW) and the first one was for ten (10) 
days (Taize Community, France). There are also many retreats being held around your diocese. Try your 
best to attend one during this season of lent.
Daily Prayer

Daily morning prayer time can also include scriptural readings, offering of intentions and 
meditation or time of silence. 

During this Year of Faith, we are also encouraged to study The Creed with a small group of 
people - friends or fellow parishioners. 


Have you given up some activities this lent in order to have more time to deepen your faith? 
You may also wake up earlier than usual to create some time for prayer and reflection.

Wishing you all the best this Lenten season brings.


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