Lenten Season: Time to Look at Life More Deeply

Lenten season is a time when Christians look at our lives more deeply.  How am I living this life I am called to live fully?  How have I imitated the life of Christ? How is my relationship with Jesus, my Saviour, my Lord and my God?

As I reflect and meditate during this blessed season, I look at the many areas of my life and focus on one aspect for a few days.  This week, I will check out who are the people surrounding my life and how they have influenced my being a Christian Catholic.  

Today, I'd like to share with you some of my personal heroes. On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Twin Towers attack, I have joined a group people, mostly Americans, who reflected on our own heroes.  My contribution can be found on page 92 of this ebook:

A Pope, a Bishop, and a Father
Roslyn Rajasingam
In my life journey, I have met some outstanding human beings. They inspire me and encourage me to become a better human being. Even though some of them have already gone on to the other life, they are still very much alive in my memory and my daily life. They lived purposeful and fruitful lives, were true to their vocations, and developed their God-given talents.
Blessed Pope John Paul II worked tirelessly and was very influ­ential in bringing back democracy in his country. He wrote many church teachings for the Catholic faithful. He forgave the person who tried to kill him and is a true inspiration of reconciliation. He believed in young people and initiated World Youth Day. It was a blessing to meet him in person where we gave each other a hug as a sign of peace during one of these celebrations in Spain.
Bishop Broderick Pabillo was a brilliant student and seminary professor, but left his religious congregation to serve the poorest of the poor in a tiny fishing village in the southern Philippines. He trained the local priests. He works with and loves the poor, is excellent in Scripture, and lives as a true disciple of Jesus. He advocates for the urban poor and for farmers to own the land they cultivate.
Prospero Montesclaros was the editor of his college newspaper, and dabbled in drawing; worked as a mining engineer, an as­sistant city engineer, and a construction manager; was a college lecturer for calculus and algebra; and was a faithful church lay leader. He entertained his family and friends with his amazing singing voice, exceptional guitar playing, and sense of humour. He worked overseas for several years and performed on a national television program.
I am grateful for my heroes because their values and faith guide my life.
Take care and have a meaningful lenten season.



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