An Advent Reflection

ADVENT … Preparing for Christmas!

During advent or the few weeks leading to Christmas, most people get very very busy. Especially if you have little kids. Or, if you have a huge family. Or if you have a large extended family.

The presents to choose and buy, the many sales brochures in your mailbox, the Christmas parties to attend, the tree to decorate, the house to clean, the guests to invite or cards to send, and it goes on and on. And you still have to work before the holidays.

But, whinge not!
If you happen to be in this group of people, rejoice!
Rejoice because you have a family!
Rejoice because you have a job and an income!
So you are able to buy the presents.
Rejoice because you have a healthy body to engage in these activities!

You say you have no time for yourself.
And, even no time for silent reflection.
No time for being with and listening to oneself.

Rejoice because of this awareness!
You see the need to prepare yourself,
Physically and spiritually.

I usually find myself on Christmas day, having nothing new to wear but that blouse given by my Mom a few months ago which I did not even have the chance to try on.

My husband is so preoccupied with his many responsibilities, all I may get is “you look tired. Go to bed.”
The kids are so worried Santa may not come with their dream presents.

What if I was having a surgical operation.
My husband’s income is not certain.
My house is in the market.
My son may be moving to a public school but we're stuck in this discernment.
My sister is keen to get married with someone she only met through the internet.
My brother is accusing me of throwing them out of the house they were living in.

What if you are eager to help but hierarchical structures seem to hinder.
You say your prayers but they do not seem to be heard.

How else do I prepare?
Meet with an advent discussion group in church. Or in homes.
Be nice to everyone.
Do not offend anyone.
Do not be radical or else, you will not be popular.
Do not trigger resignations of volunteers in your community group.
Attend some church service.
Wash the soul.

Nothing else….
Alas! All I can do is offer all of these to my God.
Before he comes back in a manger on Christmas Day.
Before He returns again in glory!


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